Thursday, January 23, 2020

Water, Water Everywhere! But Not a Drop Fit to Drink

What a sad discovery we made during our meeting yesterday, January22. Our VP opened the meeting with not so great news about some of our members: Judy is down for the count, Rosemary's sister is in critical condition, and  we lost Harridell. We ask that they be remembered in our prayers during the coming weeks. Joan read the minutes from our last meeting and they were approved. Mary F. is now going to be our sunshine person to send out cards when needed. The NCUMC Tea Room will be February 21 and 22. MarySue gave the treasurer's report. I gave the numbers : 31 present today with 64 members. Yea! up from the last few years. Our faithful foodies were thanked. Visitors were introduced. Lynn said we need to keep our membership cards as she got a discount at Home Depot. Good to know.
Susan introduced the speakers for today: a great group of folks from Water Mission. This is a non-profit group providing clean water to people who have none. Started in 2001 they have served over 4 million people with clean water. They have been to 55 different countries. They have different groups that visit schools and tell about and demonstrate how their system works. Some of our members became part of the demonstration. These filtration systems are made right here in North Charleston. You can tour the facility which opens to tours once a month. Teachers can access the lesson in a bucket here:
These systems are very expensive at a cost of over $17,000 per unit. Now that includes transportation to the village/site. Right now they are using  reverse osmosis system in the Bahamas. There will be a Walk for Water on March 21. You can help by rounding up your water bill. The little bit of change goes to their cause. Remember change adds up.
It was really a great information session. You can discover more about Water Missions at:
Our next meeting is February 19. We will have a catered meal by Jamie Westendorff and music to dine by. Looking forward to visiting with you all again.
Have a great afternoon! 💧💧💧💧