Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A New Year, Another beginning

It is hard to believe that another year is starting for our CCREA. It is almost September and our first meeting is on the horizon! Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 13. Here is a copy of our flyer:

I hope you all got yours by now.

The dates are all posted there. we are meeting at the Methodist Church near Park Circle as we did last year.
The bottom part of this is what you need to cut off and return to Judy along with your check. Although bringing it to the first meeting will probably be okay. Try bringing a friend with you. I assume that our meetings will begin at 11:00 to take care of organizational business and our speaker will be presented to us at 11:30???
(Sorry this is so light but this is the darkest I could get it.)

This part needs to be returned.

😀Hope to see you there!