Monday, September 17, 2018

It is Almost Fall Y'all!

You would not know it by the temperatures these days but fall is quickly approaching. I cannot wait for cooler weather and apples. Anyway I hope you all and your friends and family made it through the storm okay. We did. We only had a big tree branch fall into our yard from the neighbors' tree. But the tree and the mess are already taken care of.
Our first meeting is next week. We will be entertained by the Senior Center Singers. We will also hear what documentation is needed to get a real ID. . What really concerns me is that our numbers are shrinking. So I ask you all to "drag, push, pull or tow" someone you know who has retired from local school districts. The person can be a teacher, secretary, guidance counselor...anyone associated with education here in the counties of the low country. Your officers will be providing the lunch and it is going to be delicious (shhh...don't tell but BBQ and fixings are on the menu!).
See you at the meeting!

Our Flyer For 2018-2019