Monday, October 1, 2018

Our First Meeting

Our first meeting went well. We had almost 30 members in attendance. That is a great number. I hope more can come to our November meeting. Brian Hicks from the Post & Courier will be our featured speaker.
Mary Thrift opened our meeting and several reports were given. I did note that October is the month we will close our CD and place the funds in our checking account. We did pass on the reading of our minutes from our May meeting.
Laura from AAA was our first presenter.She spoke about what paperwork is needed to get a "Real ID." The documents required are:
1. Your Social Security card
2. Two proofs of residency: each proof must have your name on it.
3. Your marriage license. if you have been married more than once you have to bring that documentation too.
4. A certified copy of your birth certificate. (I remember when we had to get my father-in-law's birth certificate. There wasn't one as they did not issue them way back when. So we had to go to his church's records. )
I hope you can find all of these. Some members said getting a passport would be easier.
The next portion of our meeting was a musical presentation from the "Voices of the Lowcountry." I took a video of one of the first songs they did from the "Sound of Music." But it is too large of a file to add here. Sorry!
 So I added two of the pictures I took while the group was performing.

Monday, September 17, 2018

It is Almost Fall Y'all!

You would not know it by the temperatures these days but fall is quickly approaching. I cannot wait for cooler weather and apples. Anyway I hope you all and your friends and family made it through the storm okay. We did. We only had a big tree branch fall into our yard from the neighbors' tree. But the tree and the mess are already taken care of.
Our first meeting is next week. We will be entertained by the Senior Center Singers. We will also hear what documentation is needed to get a real ID. . What really concerns me is that our numbers are shrinking. So I ask you all to "drag, push, pull or tow" someone you know who has retired from local school districts. The person can be a teacher, secretary, guidance counselor...anyone associated with education here in the counties of the low country. Your officers will be providing the lunch and it is going to be delicious (shhh...don't tell but BBQ and fixings are on the menu!).
See you at the meeting!

Our Flyer For 2018-2019

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Scholarship Meeting

What a great meeting! And what great future teachers we will have.
Business Part 1: Our meeting was opened by our president, Mary Thrift. She spoke about one of our members whose daughter's cancer had returned. Our meetings are going to be the fourth Wednesday of the month instead of switching between days. (Yea!) Our current officers will remain as we begin next year with the addition of Linda Arnone and chairperson of the phone tree, and Sandy Pell and Kathy Dorkewitz as co-chairs of  membership. All officers were introduced for the new folks and visitors. This was subsequently approved by the members present at this meeting. Mary then recognized Ginny Hallman for her wonderful work as head of our setup and cleanup for each gathering.

Proceedings Part 2: Mary turned the meeting over to our scholarship Chairperson, Judy Epps. Judy introduced each of our scholarship winners: Zaria Lyde and Hannah Chase. The recipients thanked us for the honor. Judy Jordan presented them with the checks.
Then we ate and visited. The salads were great and the cake (of which I should not have partaken) was delicious.

Hope to see you all on September 26 to start off our new year!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The First Gathering of the New Year

I was glad to see our group together today as we gathered for our first meeting of the new year. Our group was smaller than usual but was a feisty one. Our presenter was Jennifer Hartig from RCC. You might ask what is RCC? Well the initials stand for Respite Care Charleston. This wonderful group of citizens who spend time with Charlestonians who are in the grasp of dementia. This is a terrible affliction  not only for the patient but also their families. This caring group provides a social few hours for the memory loss persons during the week so that the caregivers can have a respite from the daily emotional and physical drain of caring of their loved ones. It is wonderful to know that there is this group of volunteers offering relief. More information can be had from their site:

Respite Care Charleston

Our luncheon was wonderful. The soups were so warming not only the body but the soul too. The food was filling and delicious. But more importantly we all enjoyed seeing one another again and the fellowship of the day.
BTW: Someone got a new car. It is scarlet . I wonder why that color??

Our next meeting will be our catered luncheon to celebrate Valentine's Day. There will be entertainment from the SOA students. Please won't you join us and bring a friend?