Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Will "Fall" Ever Start?

Looks like a cloudy day ahead. They say we will get some rain. Well I want cooler weather. Anyway I hope by our November meeting the weather will be cool. I just wanted to post that we will be collecting paper products for the church at this meeting. Five of us are going in together to buy the large paper towels and toilet paper from Costco. Maybe you all could get together and do the same. It is very nice that the church allows us the use of their hall for a reduced price.
See you in November!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

A New Year

What a wonderful start to our "New Year!" We so enjoyed the Lowcountry Singers from the senior center. They regaled us with show tunes. It was a toe tapping and a sing along performance.

Susan opened our meeting with the introduction of officers and committee chairs. She inducted these as our officers for this year. Judy gave a treasurer's report. We also had introduction of visitors. After this the chorus sang. Lunch was our concluding event. The food was provided by the officers and committee chairs.
I felt sad at the low number of our members attending our opening meeting. Of course I also realize that we are all getting older and maybe don't feel like venturing out. I would encourage our members to bring a guest or two to our next meeting. Let's get those number up!